The dangerous fringe theory behind the push toward herd immunity: Derrick Z. Jackson
Dust from your old furniture likely contains harmful chemicals—but there’s a solution
Hormone-mimicking chemicals harm fish now—and their unexposed offspring later
America re-discovers anti-science in its midst
Roadmap points Europe toward safer, sustainable chemicals
As the virus rampages through Washington, essential workers nationwide are paying the price: Derrick Z. Jackson
On October 6, the Roll Call news service reported that 123 employees and contractors who […]
Exempt from inspection: States ignore lead-contaminated meat in food banks
Food banks in the U.S. are on course for a preventable collision between record-setting food […]
Green screen: Hollywood’s big misses on the environment
Hollywood’s attempts to green its screens have seen some pretty wildly mixed results. Let’s set […]
Op-ed: It is time to protect kids’ developing brains from fluoride
The debate on the fluoridation of drinking water—one of the most polarized, long-running, and high-decibel […]