Your signs of spring abound!


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BOZEMAN, Mont.—Spring in Montana this year means an abundance of snow and skiing. I’m not sure when I’ll see green.

But your world? It’s far different, I learned, after we asked readers to share their signs of spring: Riots of pink and yellow and orange and green. The exception is Sarah H., who shared a photo of bear prints in the snow in Vermont – a common sight here this time of the year!

In this season of rebirth and renewal, we hope you can take a little joy in this collection of snapshots from our reader’s lives.

Chloe, from Matt K. in Washington, D.C.

“Absolutely insane spring fever. Zooming around the yard at 100 mph for 30 minutes.”

Roses, Jerry H. in Raleigh, N.C.

“No flowers yet, but looking good!”

Snowdrops, Camille M. in the Finger Lakes region of N.Y.

Daffodil, Kathleen C. in Peekskill, N.Y.

Mediterranean Ocean, Autumn S. in Mongat, Spain

“This cute little fishing village, Mongat, is a mere 20-min train ride from Barcelona, free with my metro ticket. Inside the train station is the sweetest little cafe…. It amazes me to think I can be there on the train in about the same amount of time it takes me to walk to the far less appealing city beaches. And there is something very romantic about little train stations.”

Bear prints , Sarah H. in Vermont

“We went to Vermont this past weekend, and when we arrived we saw these bear tracks heading up the road past the cabin! … I skied up to see if I could find where the bear had come from, but it was across a rushing river so I had to bail.”

Guayacán trees,  María Paula R.A. in Medellín, Colombia

“We have these trees all over the city – Guayacán trees – and they flower twice a year, around March/April and in December/January. If you zoom in on the photo (my balcony’s view), you’ll see two of them!”

Tulips, Michaele B. in Olympia, Wa.

Flowering pear, Kristina M. in Pittsburgh, Pa.

“I grabbed a quick shot of some spring blossoms in Pittsburgh last night when it was 75 degrees. High of 84 (ºF) here today!”

Japanese Cherry Blossom (Sakura), Antoinette V. in London

“So good to see a great big fluffy bee doing her work.”

Bringing it back to Bozeman

springtime in Montana

Let me bring you back to my world. Baseball players in Bozeman, Mont. are getting antsy: The city plowed the fields!

Happy Spring, wherever you are.

We love to hear from our readers. If you have a spring picture, or any other season for that matter, send it to our team so we can showcase some beauty from across the globe.