Are you spreading PFAS on your morning toast?
Wrappers from eight brands of butter have detectable levels of total fluorine, an indicator of […]
Opinion: Why PFAS have no place in everyday products, including paint
When I talked to my doctor about starting a family, she ran tests and found […]
Opinion: The Supreme Court’s affirmative action ruling puts climate progress and leadership in peril
As the world response to the climate crisis remains ‘pitiful,’ the Supreme Court of the […]
EPA seeks to slash chemical plants’ cancer-causing emissions
In April, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency proposed a package of updates to the Clean […]
Opinión: Una carta de amor a las mujeres morenas ante la injusticia de la belleza
Dicen que las apariencias no lo son todo, pero son algo. Desde niña lo sé […]
Opinion: A love note to brown women facing beauty injustices
They say looks aren’t everything, but they’re something. Since I was a young girl, I […]
National Parks’ grandeur degraded by global warming
My window into global warming ruining a rite of summer came 16 years ago. I […]
EHN reporter on “Living on Earth”: Why we need a new war on cancer
PITTSBURGH— Environmental Health News reporter Kristina Marusic joined NPR’s “Living on Earth” to discuss the […]
Adrift: Communities on the front lines of pesticide exposure fight for change
A three-part series by Environmental Health News and palabra, a multimedia platform of the National […]
Book excerpt: A New War on Cancer
In 2013, Melanie had moved to a small town in North Carolina, where she was […]