What’s one gift you cherish from your mother? We want your story.
It’s Mother’s Day Sunday, and we want to hear about the one gift you’ve received from your mother and carry with you today.
Drop your one lesson here – make it one lesson, one sentence – and we’ll share the most illuminative ones Sunday.
I’ll share mine: How to cook healthy, interesting food regularly, and from scratch.
To have my children see me cook and want to help me prepare a meal and then eat robustly the results – that is a wondrous gift.
My mom, Rosemary Fischer, raised four kids on a tight budget (That’s her on the left, above, with my daughter Georgi and my wife Stephanie, as Georgi models the wedding dress of my mother’s grandmother).
I can count on one hand the times we ate out as a family. To improvise in the kitchen, to prepare something on the fly and with the clock ticking – that is the art and crux of cooking.
I didn’t realize that’s what Mom was teaching me every time she made dinner, but I see it now. And it is a wondrous gift indeed.
Share your mom’s gift to you. We’d love to cherish it as well.
A H/T to Axios, which is conducting a similar poll and inspired this one.