EHN reporter on “Living on Earth”: Why we need a new war on cancer


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Environmental Health News reporter Kristina Marusic joined NPR’s “Living on Earth” to discuss the links between rising cancer rates and cancer-causing chemicals in the environment.

In a two-part interview, Marusic discussed her new book,
A New War on Cancer: The Unlikely Heroes Revolutionizing Prevention with host Steve Curwood.

During the interview, she shared stories about some of the unlikely heroes profiled in the book, including Dr. Ami Zota, an Indian-American researcher and professor who studies racial disparities in exposure to harmful chemicals in cosmetics and personal care products, and Melanie Meade, a clean air activist in Clairton, Pennsylvania.

“I profiled people who are advocating for cancer prevention because I really wanted to humanize this story and try to put a face to cancer prevention,” Marusic said. “I also found that as I was reporting on this topic as a journalist, the more I learned about these people who’ve devoted their lives to this work, the more I felt hopeful about our ability to do something to change this.”

The interview is available at
Living on Earth, on Spotify, and below.