Editor’s note: This op-ed was written by a group of current and former employees of […]
with science
Nonpartisan, nonprofit and devoted to good science.
Environmental Health Sciences is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to good science. We produce award-winning independent journalism through our newsroom for EHN (Environmental Health News), EHN en Español, and Daily Climate. We also specialize in solution-driven programs, such as HEEDS (Healthy Environment and Endocrine Disrupters Strategies) and Agents of Change.
Advocating for Evidence-Based Public Health Policies Built on High-Quality Science
We believe that high quality science should be the foundation of public health policy
Fostering Objective Science and Journalism to Empower Informed Public Health Choices
We are convinced that science and journalism can objectively shape public discussion and activate people to make healthy, informed choices about their health and wellbeing.
Progress: Beyond Scientific Discovery – The Role of Journalism, Advocacy, and Politics
Progress is never a result of scientific discovery alone; it requires other forces: crusading journalism, advocacy, politics.
Environmental Health Sciences is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to good science. We produce award-winning independent journalism through our newsroom for EHN (Environmental Health News), EHN en Español, and Daily Climate. We also specialize in solution-driven programs, such as HEEDS (Healthy Environment and Endocrine Disrupters Strategies) and Agents of Change.